Emotional Intelligence: Your Greatest Asset and Key to Success
The podcast centers on the value of Emotional Intelligence, which is both a mindset and an approach to life that regards problems as situations that help you learn and grow; it is a way of being and doing in the world that enables you to develop and sustain a positive relationship with yourself and others, at home, at work, and everywhere in between. Coupled with mental fitness, emotional intelligence is an essential component of Positive Intelligence (PQ) that enables you to leverage your power to communicate well, make good decisions that align with your values, and create a positive environment wherever you are. In a word, Positive Intelligence is the key element that creates your path to success. Episodes are theme-oriented and correspond to a letter of the alphabet, like this: A = Awareness, Acceptance, and Action; B= Bold and Brave (with a little vulnerability thrown in), and so on.
POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE® and ©PQ are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LLC.
Emotional Intelligence: Your Greatest Asset and Key to Success
Faith over Fear: Your Inner Sage Has Your Back!
Fear is a totally normal emotion! We all feel it sometimes, whether it's when we are heading into "unknown territory" or facing a difficult situation and we aren't sure how it's going to turn out. Many of us experience fear when faced with the prospect of looking for a new job or leaving an old one, entering into or leaving a relationship, or even just getting in the car and trying to stay alert to potential dangers on the highway. BUT: When it comes to making decisions or even just starting the day, fear can cripple us. It can prevent us from taking action, prevent us from speaking our truth, prevent us from trying something new that may turn out to be the best thing we ever did. Our Inner Sage, that Divine Self that loves us unconditionally, will help us, if we draw on it. Using the Sage powers of Positive Intelligence, we can tap into our Sage through mindful breathing, using our senses to stay in the present moment, and even praying, asking for help. Trust your Sage. Know that when you are fully present, you are neither in the past nor in the future. You are right here, right now. Look at your feet. Where are they? Tune in to Episode 13 of Emotional Intelligence:: Your Greatest Asset and Key to Success when interview Lauri Stern and we talk about why mindfulness and being centered in our body is the best way to live in faith and combat fear.
Show Notes:
Lauri Stern:
email either Lauri@customdesignedwellness.com AND Lstheflash@gmail.com
FB: Lauri Stern Yoga https://www.facebook.com/LauriSternYoga/
Insta: @sternlauri https://www.instagram.com/sternlauri/
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauri-fleischmann-stern-28417a58/
Activism in the Name of God: Religion and Black Feminist Public Intellectuals from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. Available on the University Press of Mississippi website https://www.upress.state.ms.us/Books/A/Activism-in-the-Name-of-God
and on Amazon.com: https://amzn.to/49SGFYs
Want to learn how to build your EQ? Let's meet to see if working together is good fit.
* Calendar: https://calendly.com/jami-carlacio/virtual-coffee
* Email: jami@jamicarlacio.com (mailto:%20jami@jamicarlacio.com)
* Find out more about my coaching services: https://jamicarlacio.com
* LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jami-carlacio/
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* YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/jamicarlacio1
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