Emotional Intelligence: Your Greatest Asset and Key to Success

Forgiving is Not Forgetting: This Sage Power is Transformational

Jami Carlacio Season 1 Episode 15

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Forgiving  someone, even ourselves, for a wrong or perceived injustice  is one of the hardest things to do. The popular cliche "to forgive  is to forget"  is wrong! Forgiveness  is about freedom--from resentment, anger, blame, judgment, and even shame  and guilt. In  Positive Intelligence  terms, forgiveness is possible when we use our Sage  powers of Empathy, Explore, Navigate, Innovate, and Activate. In  episode 15, my guest Alicia R. McLain and I discuss the meaning of forgiveness, what events, people, and things have happened to us that may prompt us to need or want to forgive in the first place, and what transformation  occurs in ourselves when we make that life-changing decision to move on with our lives. Tune in for insights on the power  that forgiveness brings.

Want to learn how to build your ©PQ? Let's meet to see if working together is good fit.
-- Calendar: https://calendly.com/jami-carlacio/virtual-coffee
-- Email: jami@jamicarlacio.com
-- Find out more about my coaching services: https://jamicarlacio.com
-- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jami-carlacio/
-- FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/HealingArtsLLC
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-- YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/jamicarlacio1
-- I'd appreciate your support the show by buying me a cup of coffee: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2167520/supporters/new

Guest: Alicia McLain, Business, Executive & Leadership Coach
Book Time With Me! https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=14073400
Skype: Alicia.McLain3| LinkedIN |

Books by Pema Chödron: https://www.shambhala.com/pema-chodron/ 

"Forgiveness" (Poem) by George Roemisch
  Forgiveness is the wind-blown bud which
blooms in placid beauty at Verdun.
  Forgiveness is the tiny slate-gray sparrow
which has built its nest of twigs and
string among the shards of glass upon the
wall of shame.
  Forgiveness is the child who laughs in merry
ecstasy beneath the toothed fence
that closes in Da Nang.
  Forgiveness is the fragrance of the
violet which still clings fast to the
heel that crushed it.
  Forgiveness is the broken dream which
hides itself within the corner of the
mind oft called forgetfulness so that it
will not bring pain to the dreamer.
  Forgiveness is the reed which stands up
straight and green when nature's mighty
rampage halts, full spent.
  Forgiveness is a God who will not leave
us after all we've done.

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Want to learn how to build your EQ? Let's meet to see if working together is good fit.
* Calendar: https://calendly.com/jami-carlacio/virtual-coffee
* Email: jami@jamicarlacio.com (mailto:%20jami@jamicarlacio.com)
* Find out more about my coaching services: https://jamicarlacio.com
* LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jami-carlacio/
* FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/jamicarlacioPQ
* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamicarlacio1/
* YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/jamicarlacio1
* TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jcarlacio
* Substack: https://substack.com/@eqmaven
* I'd appreciate your support the show by buying me a cup of coffee: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2167520/supporters/new

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